Past Yamashita Elementary the housing becomes sparse. The number of rice fields increase, their shapes dictated by the lay of the land rather than the convenient square preferable to most rice farmers. Citrus trees of all kinds border the road that leads into a mountainous region of Akune known as Ozaki. Just before the main road narrows before winding into the far east of Akune, you will pass Ozaki Elementary (Ozaki), or, like me, you will carefully navigate up the narrow driveway every week to teach at a truly wonderful school.
Ozaki’s Bontan trees

The line up (the bontan is the second largest)

Flowers in the driveway

Having fun at the pool opening two weeks ago

This year Ozaki welcomed one new first grader, making its student body number a grand total of sixteen. One could imagine with such few students that students receive ample attention from the teachers. This is, in all respects, an admirable reality of the Ozaki atmosphere. However, I am truly impressed at how well, how naturally and with such dignity the upper classmen-two darling young ladies-take on a leadership consciousness. They make announcements during lunch about what the activities will be for afternoon recess. When someone falls and skins their knee or thinks the rules aren’t fair, the wise sixth grade girls, only occasionally seeking the help of their teachers, moderate until an agreeable end is met.
Tea time

When it is time for lunch at Ozaki, all of the students and teachers pack into one room, squeeze together at four long, (extremely) short tables and rub shoulders with classmates, some of whom are most likely cousins, brothers, sisters and neighbors. Everyone smiles at lunch.

Ozaki Elementary
Full of smiles, full of excitement, where everyone is a hero.

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